
09 December 2009

Restore GRUB2 from Live CD after installing windows

Try speaking london eh..hehe

Before this, I have Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows XP in one partition. Yesterday,I remove the XP and install Windows 2003 for testing my project. So, the GRUB2 loader become problem and cannot boot into Ubuntu anymore.


I boot into Live CD ubuntu..

using terminal, run this command
$ sudo -i
$ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
$ grub-install –root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda
then reboot..wala!..finish


cores said...

salam singgah,
betul2 tu... tapi aku guna 9.10 tak leh jalan grafik kad... kena tukar balik 9.04...belum ada masa nak car info ngan godek2.. karmic kaola lebih menarik... huhuhu sedihnya..

Mustakim Ahmad said...

grafik kad apa bro?ati9200?